What is rolled roofing?
If you are interested in rolled roofing, then you should know that it is one
of the most convenient solutions for the roofs of structures like sheds or detached garages. The
rolled roofing choice is a temporary one as rolled roofing can last between 6 and 12 years.
Obviously the cost of rolled roofing is considerably lower than in the case of any other kind of
roofing. Besides the lower costs of rolled roofing, you should also keep in mind another advantage
of this building structure, namely the easiness and rapidity of installing it. Hence, its
There are different types of roll roofing available on the market. There is one
type of roll roofing which, in rural areas is called mineral-surfaced roll roofing because it is
covered with small granules and rocks on one side. This is mainly used in covering small structures
such as sheds, farm animal pens and barns. Another not so frequently used type of roll roofing is
the one called specialty–saves flashing. This is mainly used in cold areas where ice buildups are
frequent, on eaves. The smooth-surfaced type of roll roofing is somewhat like the Minemal-surfaced
except that it is covered with a smooth layer ground talc. The use of this type is as an extra
sealant where it is needed. Finally there is the saturated felt which is actually the underlying
part between the roof and the roll roofing.